Saturday, March 3, 2012

Audio-Technica ATHCK7

I bought these pair of beauties a few weeks back. I was initially very disappointed as the ear phones sounded harsh and lacked bass. And then after reading the other reviews I realized that to get the real sound of them you need to have a very good seal when you wear this ear phone. Unfortunately the stock silicone tips which shipped with the ear phones had a poor fit.

I was thinking of ordering something expensive like the Comfy 400 foam tips which you have to keep changing every month. I ultimately came across a diy site where people just puncture holes through regular ear plugs and fit them over the ear phones. That exercise proved worth the effort as now I get amazing sound from these ear phones. The ATH-CK7 produces really punchy bass and very good highs. The mids might sound a bit weak sometimes, but overall these are very good in terms of investment.

Finally, make sure you wear these ear phones properly, you might not get a good fit if you have the cable sleeve just pointing down, you will get the best fit if the cable sleeves point at a 45 degree angle with the cable coming from behind the ear.

Have fun and enjoy quality music with the ATH-CK7!

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